Finding your device in a network using nmap
How to find your device in a network if you don’t know what IP it has been assigned?
How to find your device in a network if you don’t know what IP it has been assigned?
How to deal with container naming issue during update of container version
How to create a systemd service that will be automatically restart whenever some configuration file changes?
Let’s make it all work: private AWS ECR repository + custom external domain + ECR Credentials Helper Login + control permissions to fetch your images via Cognito
How to be able to use your custom domain when accessing docker repository hosted in private AWS ECR.
How to configure LUKS (full disk encryption) to work with your YubiKey (FIDO2) so you can unlock your disk without typing password.
How to customize the Linux loading splashscreen using Plymouth and its themes.
How to replace GRUB with rEFInd as a boot manager on your Linux machine.
You have a Quarkus-based AWS Lambda using logback and want to send logs to Then this is something for you!
You have your Lambda on AWS. Now you want to view the logs in Cloudwatch and you probably know this is not the most pleasant thing to do. But wait, there are things like - an ELK service that makes viewing logs a breeze. Let’s see how to connect log shipper that will push your Lambda logs from cloudwatch to their ELK stack.