InitiateAuth and RespondToAuthChallenge to confirm user password and authenticate in AWS Cognito using plain HTTP calls

How to configure a new user password in AWS Cognito using plain HTTP calls?

November 22, 2022 · 1 min

Rollback to previous version of a docker image in AWS ECR

How to easily revert to previously deployed docker image in case new version of your app behaves abnormally?

May 25, 2021 · 1 min

InitiateAuth to authenticate in AWS Cognito using plain HTTP calls

How to authenticate in AWS Cognito using plain HTTP calls?

April 15, 2021 · 1 min

Configuring AWS Cognito as authenticator for React.js frontend -> Serverless Framework Lambda behind Api Gateway

Notes to my future-self about how to configure React.js frontend guarded by AWS Cognito to securely communicate with backend based on Serverless Framework (AWS Lambda behind Api Gateway).

April 13, 2021 · 5 min

Encoding issues during PostgreSQL backup restore

Issues I bumped into during restoration of a PostgreSQL backup.

December 26, 2020 · 2 min

Docker multi-architecture - weird 'linux/arm/v7 not supported error'

Root cause of a weird ’linux/arm/v7 not supported error'.

November 26, 2020 · 2 min

Serverless - Using Lambda Triggered by SQS For Job Scheduling

Imagine your code waits for some external system to respond. Easy to deal with non-serverless world where you have your application running 24/7, right? But how would you solve this in a serverless where you should pay for actual job and not for waiting. In serverless ‘wait’ equals ’loosing money’. In this post I’ll describe how you can use SQS for serverless job triggering.

November 6, 2019 · 6 min

Configuring AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Variables and Using Them From CodeBuild

AWS Systems Manager (formerly SSM) allows you to define secure, encrypted variables that you can read from other processes. Here, I’ll shortly discuss how to define such encrypted varible and read it from AWS CodeBuild.

June 18, 2019 · 2 min

Excluding Resources When Preparing Package for Serverless Application

With Serverless Framework application it’s not enough to add proper gitignore statements. You also need to take care of properly defining what should go and what should not go into your package or you can easily end with 100 MB packages.

June 16, 2019 · 2 min

AWS Serverless Integration Tests With Moto - What Can go Wrong?

If you’re planning to use Python moto library (to mock AWS resources) for unit tests and at the same time use integration tests - watch out as it can bite you!

June 11, 2019 · 3 min