Axis and Java2WSDL

In the Axis2 (which you can download from this site) bin subdirectory, there is a file which can be used to generate a WSDL file from plain Java classes. Below is a very rough example how to use it: /home/palli/axis2-1.5.4/bin/ -o /home/palli/ -of Test.wsdl -sn WSAdditionalOperations -cp . -cn com.nullhaus.ediploma.server.WSAdditionalOperations Used arguments: Parameter Description o output directory where the generated WSDL will be saved of output filename of the WSDL cp java classpath sn name of the service cn fully qualified name of the class you want to be used to generate the WSDL file

January 8, 2011 · 1 min

Eclipse with Axis2 facets error (no Axis2 runtime)

If you wonder why Eclipse is still throwing following exception during WSDL generation: Exception occurred while reading or writing file {0}The Axis2 facets cannot be installed since the Axis2 runtime location has not been set. Go to the Web Services preference page and set the Axis2 runtime location under Axis2 Preferences. despite that you already configured the Axis2 location in Eclipse, you could try to create clean Web Project (a dummy one, just for the “cleaning the pipe” effect ;-)....

December 19, 2009 · 1 min