Accessing web application resources from different context

You can access the resources which are available for one servlet context from the other. Let’s say you have two web applications deployed (in the same Servlet container): /myApp1 /myApp2 Basically, if you’re in /myApp1 and you will execute the getServletContext() method on ServletRequest object, it will return the ServletContext for the application related with this ServletRequest object (in this case – /myApp1). With the ServletContext object you can execute getResource(-) or getResourceAsStream(-) to get access to the needed resource from within the /myapp1 application....

January 27, 2011 · 2 min

Eclipse with Axis2 facets error (no Axis2 runtime)

If you wonder why Eclipse is still throwing following exception during WSDL generation: Exception occurred while reading or writing file {0}The Axis2 facets cannot be installed since the Axis2 runtime location has not been set. Go to the Web Services preference page and set the Axis2 runtime location under Axis2 Preferences. despite that you already configured the Axis2 location in Eclipse, you could try to create clean Web Project (a dummy one, just for the “cleaning the pipe” effect ;-)....

December 19, 2009 · 1 min

AjaXplorer -- Web based file explorer

Webapp for file management

March 14, 2009 · 1 min

Flowplayer -- Web video player

If you are looking for a script which will allow you to publish videos on your website – the Flowplayer would be a very good choice. It’s usage is as simple as it can be – you just pass the link to the file you want to be played and that’s it! The link you’ll provide the script with, need to be an *.flv file which you can obtain using ffmpeg or mencoder....

March 14, 2009 · 1 min