SVN and Time Synchronization Issue on VirtualBox

Some time ago I’ve had a problem with SVN on my VirtualBox guest Ubuntu machine. When the machine was hibernated (it’s state was saved – without shutting it down) there was a time synchronization issue. When I checked out the SVN repository on the guest machine, I couldn’t see any actual changes or new files which I was 100% sure I committed before (because I did it from my host machine just a minute ago)....

February 27, 2012 · 1 min

Eclipse PDT and gray file comparison window

Today I’ve bumped into some weird problem with PHP files comparison using Eclipse PDT and Subclipse (SVN). When a file was selected and “Compare with… Latest from Repository” option was chosen, the comparison window become gray, no code source was displayed and no error message was shown. It was just the same if you tried to compare a file with your local history or two separate files with each other....

January 17, 2011 · 1 min