Save Connection Settings in Midnight Commander

In Midnight Commander when you press ctrl + \ you can access directory hotlist and you can quickly choose connection you want to establish. The problem is – you cannot by default save passwords, so every time you select this connection you need to input it. Sure, it’s safe to do so, but if using them in your desktop and you’re the only user of it – you can expect a bit more pragmatic approach....

November 10, 2012 · 2 min

Playing movies and music over SSH

If you want to remotely access your SSH account (e.g. NAS in home) and listen to the music or watch some movies without downloading them in the first place, you can use the following command: ssh [email protected] cat mediaFile.avi | mplayer - It will connect to, log into the user account, invoke the cat command on the given mediaFile.avi and transfer the output (stream of bytes) to your local mplayer....

May 27, 2012 · 1 min

How to find out what GNU/Linux distribution you're using

Recently I needed to find out what GNU/Linux a terminal-only server is using. The most obvious thing I could think of was to use: uname -a Unfortunately, it will return the kernel information only – no details about the distribution though. The distribution info is located in a different file which is dependent on… the distribution itself. Check out the list of those filenames here. As a majority of those files ends with “release” part, in most cases it should be enough to execute the following command:...

August 19, 2011 · 1 min

Running GUI applications over SSH

If you want to execute a GUI based application on the remote server through SSH, you can achieve it quite easily using the ssh command. Just type ssh -X username@server The -X flag is used to define the DISPLAY environmental variable on the remote host, so each X11 executed application will be forwarded to your machine.

August 19, 2011 · 1 min

Wireshark on remote host through SSH

I was trying to find a way to capture the network interface traffic on a remote server, just to see what (or who!) messed up the Web Services based communication. I didn’t have to search too long, because my favorite capturing software, Wireshark, can listen on a named pipe. So, below you can find the simplest solution I found (SSH + FIFO) based on this tutorial: On the client side (my computer – GNU/Linux) type:...

April 22, 2011 · 1 min

Executing SSH commands from ANT

Sometimes, when building an application, there is a need for some SSH command execution on the remote server. An example of such command could be: Redeployment of an application, Server restart, Temporary files removal, Custom script execution. Have no fear – SSHExec is here! You can easily achieve remote command invocation, using an ANT Task sshexec. An example of its usage could be this snippet (note that remote.* variables are taken from the *....

January 31, 2011 · 1 min