After the Spring Core 3.0 Exam

Yesterday I took the SpringSource Certified Spring 3.0 Professional exam and passed it successfully with 94%. Below you can find some information about my preparation process, the exam form and the type of questions. So, here we go. Preparation I attended the Spring 3 Core training and described it here. This was the entry point for my learning process. I’ve done a lot of notes during the training, so even after three months, the slides + notes were pretty decent source of knowledge....

July 24, 2012 · 3 min

Inject Java Properties in Java EE Using CDI

The aim of this post is to show you how, using CDI, you can inject Java properties entries (those in *.properties files) directly into your Java class. This is somewhat similar to the Spring’s @Value annotation I needed in my plain Java EE project. The whole code can be found on GitHub so feel free to clone it, use it or make any changes you like. Context Ok, so basically in a Java EE environment we already have a way to define some properties that are deployment-specific – it’s the <env-entry> element in the descriptor....

June 17, 2012 · 12 min

After the Spring 3 Core Training

At the end of march 2012 I was attending a Spring 3 Core Training in Cracow which was organised by the SpringSource. Because I am more of a pure Java EE world type and mainly develop in this area, I wanted to improve my knowledge about Spring. Sure, I’ve used Spring, worked with it but never felt really comfortable with it. I was missing the big picture and so that’s why I decided to go to this training....

May 19, 2012 · 3 min