Maven Surefire -- Integration tests recognition

By default, Maven’s test plugin Surefire doesn’t scan files for @Test annotations, but rather takes only the files which class names ends with “Test” or “TestCase”. I use both: unit tests and integration tests. I execute the latter using Arquillian framework, so it looks just like pure JUnit test. However, I prefer to name them with the “IT” suffix which means that they’re no longer recognized by Surefire plugin as test files....

February 28, 2012 · 1 min

BASH -- find files with names different than the pattern

If you’re using BASH find and want to find files which are named differently than the given pattern, you can use the following syntax: find . -type f ! -iname "*.class" The above command will find all files in the current directory (and subdirectories) which have the extension different (exclamation mark) from “class” (case insensitive). You can also use conditional operations to build slightly more complicated commands, like: find . -type f !...

March 27, 2011 · 1 min

Automatically build number generation in ANT

I wanted to find some solution to a problem of automatic generation of build numbers/version identifiers using an ANT. I figured out that I can achieve it in the following way: <target name="numerate.version" description="Generates version number and sets it in Client properties file."> <tstamp> <format property="build.time" pattern="yy-MM-dd_hh:mm" unit="hour" /> </tstamp> <buildnumber file="build.number" /> <property name="version.code" value="${build.version}/${build.time}/${build.number}" /> <echo>Version: ${version.code}</echo> <replaceregexp file="${}" match="(version[ \t]*=[ \t]*)+.*$" byline="true" replace="\1${version.code}" /> </target> A short description what is going on:...

January 9, 2011 · 1 min