How to configure log shipper for Quarkus-based Lambda using logback extension

You have a Quarkus-based AWS Lambda using logback and want to send logs to Then this is something for you!

January 6, 2023 · 3 min

Configuring AWS Cognito as authenticator for React.js frontend -> Serverless Framework Lambda behind Api Gateway

Notes to my future-self about how to configure React.js frontend guarded by AWS Cognito to securely communicate with backend based on Serverless Framework (AWS Lambda behind Api Gateway).

April 13, 2021 · 5 min

Serverless - Using Lambda Triggered by SQS For Job Scheduling

Imagine your code waits for some external system to respond. Easy to deal with non-serverless world where you have your application running 24/7, right? But how would you solve this in a serverless where you should pay for actual job and not for waiting. In serverless ‘wait’ equals ’loosing money’. In this post I’ll describe how you can use SQS for serverless job triggering.

November 6, 2019 · 6 min

Configuring DynamoDB tables per deployment stage using Serverless Framework

Example how to name per-stage DynamoDB tables

May 30, 2019 · 2 min