Communication Between EJB Modules In The Same Application Server

This post describes some of the pitfalls when coping with intercommunication between different modules (EAR, WAR, EJB-JAR) deployed in the same Java EE 6 Application Server. The problem The problem is as follows: you have two modules (let’s take the EARs as an example) that are deployed in the same JVM / Application Server: App1.ear and App2.ear. App1.ear contains: service.jar; it’s an EJB-JAR with the business logic of the application, service-api....

November 17, 2012 · 7 min

Can I Use WAR With Java EE 6 Full Profile?

Java EE 6 brings a lot new features. Among the others there is the concept of profiles. Java EE starts with the definition of two: Full and Web Profile. The idea is to create separate and more specialized set of services that better suits your job. E.g. if you only want to use Servlets, JSP and add some EJB’s – do you really need full-blown application server with JMS, JMX, CORBA, JAX-WS and a lot of other abbreviations?...

November 11, 2012 · 2 min