After the Spring Core 3.0 Exam

Yesterday I took the SpringSource Certified Spring 3.0 Professional exam and passed it successfully with 94%. Below you can find some information about my preparation process, the exam form and the type of questions. So, here we go. Preparation I attended the Spring 3 Core training and described it here. This was the entry point for my learning process. I’ve done a lot of notes during the training, so even after three months, the slides + notes were pretty decent source of knowledge....

July 24, 2012 · 3 min

Java EE 6 SCWCD Mock Exam

The mock exam has been moved to a separate application working on the OpenShift and is available at This post will be still available because of the comments – at this point the exam simulator doesn’t have the commenting functionality so you can leave your opinion here. In time it’ll be modified and will allow to post comments directly next to the questions. If you’d like to get more information about the exam migration take a look at this post: New OCE WCD Exam Simulator....

March 27, 2011 · 1 min