Years ago I was learning to pass Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6: JSP and Servlet Developer Exam (formerly Sun Certified Java Web Component Developer.) At that time this exam was so fresh that there were no mock exams available. Hence, I’ve decided to create one. The idea was to learn and help others learning for this exam at the same time.

Mock exam was published on OpenShift’s free plan that was deprecated like a year ago. It was Java + JSF 2.0 + PostgreSQL.

I felt sad that non-trivial amount of effort was to be forgotten. So, despite the fact that the exam is to be retired soon, I’ve decided to resurrect my mock exam and rewrite it a little. Now it’s just HTML + JavaScript - no Java MVC frameworks for such simple case.

Hope there are at least few people that will still find it beneficial!

See it here: and good luck!