If you wonder why Eclipse is still throwing following exception during WSDL generation:

Exception occurred while reading or writing file {0}The Axis2 facets cannot be installed since the Axis2 runtime location has not been set.
Go to the Web Services preference page and set the Axis2 runtime location under Axis2 Preferences.

despite that you already configured the Axis2 location in Eclipse, you could try to create clean Web Project (a dummy one, just for the “cleaning the pipe” effect ;-).

In this dummy Web Project configuration, in the server part, make sure the the Axis2 facets are checked.
After Eclipse will successfully create your dummy Web Project, just simply return to the first one (this, which was throwing an exception while generating a WSDL) and try to generate it again.

It should just work fine now.

Don’t ask me WHY :-)